Getting Started

Using retaggr is extremely easy. All functions are provided through the ReverseSearch class.

The ReverseSearch should be instantiated with the ReverseSearchConfig class.

ReverseSearchConfig technically doesn’t need any parameters, but it’s highly recommended to at least pass min_score.

An example of how to do so can be found below.

# Relevant imports
from retaggr import ReverseSearch, ReverseSearchConfig

# Technically the config object doesn't need any parameters to work.
# That said, the only option available at that point is Paheal.
# min_score is required to search IQDB, whilst other engines
# will require their own API keys.
# See the API reference for relevant keys and values.
config = ReverseSearchConfig(min_score=80.0)

# Next we instantiate the object
rsearch = ReverseSearch(config)

After that it’s possible to search any properly instantiated engine from an asynchronous context.

# Searching IQDB using our previous object.
result = await rsearch.search_image("iqdb", "")

Acceptable parameters for ReverseSearch.search_image() are filenames found in the engines subfolder.

It is also possible to search all instantiated engines through the ReverseSearch.reverse_search() method.

# This only searches IQDB and Paheal, since we haven't instantiated anything else.
result = await rsearch.reverse_search("")

Do note that this method returns a Set, not a List, unlike the search_image function. This is to remove duplicate findings.

About asyncio

This is an asynchronous library. This means that it can only be called from an asynchronous context. That said, it might be desirable to call the class methods from a synchronous context. This is possible by using

See the example below.

# Instantiate the main object normally (instantiation is not asynchronous).
rsearch = ReverseSearch(ReverseSearchConfig())

# Use for executing the search methods.
result =""))

# result will have the reverse searched data.

For those using asyncio, this library spawns a couple of threads using asyncio.run_in_executor at certain points.

The reason for this is due to the fact that the aiohttp library attempts to sanitize URLs, and as a result, the library falls back on using requests when this becomes an issue.

The aiohttp developers have stated that since this is due to a server misconfiguration issue, and as a result that they do not intent to fix this.