Source code for retaggr.engines.saucenao.engine

import datetime
import asyncio
import functools

from retaggr.engines.base import Engine, ImageResult
from retaggr.engines.saucenao.handlers import DanbooruHandler, GelbooruHandler, E621Handler, KonachanHandler, YandereHandler
from retaggr.errors import NotAvailableSearchException, EngineCooldownException
import requests as fuck_aiohttp

[docs]class SauceNao(Engine): """Reverse searches the SauceNao API and then does additional matching. This booru does not require images to be downloaded before searching. This API is subject to rate limits. :param api_key: SauceNao API key. You can get this by registering an account on :type api_key: str :param test_mode: Enable test mode. Test mode is unique in that it does not need an API key, but it only works on one URL. """ host = "" download_required = False def __init__(self, api_key, test_mode=False): self.api_key = api_key self.handlers = { DanbooruHandler.engine_id : DanbooruHandler(), GelbooruHandler.engine_id : GelbooruHandler(), KonachanHandler.engine_id : KonachanHandler(), YandereHandler.engine_id : YandereHandler(), } self.test_mode = test_mode
[docs] def enable_e621(self, username, app_name, version): """Enable the E621 parser. This allows for looking up tag information on E621. :param username: An E621 username. :type username: str :param app_name: The name of the application. :type app_name: str :param version: The version of the appliation. :type version: str """ self.handlers[E621Handler.engine_id] = E621Handler(username, app_name, version)
[docs] async def search_image(self, url): request_url = "" params = { "db": "999", # No clever bitmasking -> need help with how to do that. "api_key": self.api_key, "output_type": "2", # 2 is the JSON API, "url": url } if self.test_mode: params = { "db": "999", "output_type": "2", "testmode": "1", "numres": "16", "url": "" } loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() r = await loop.run_in_executor(None, functools.partial(fuck_aiohttp.get, request_url, params=params)) j = r.json() if r.status_code == 200: return await self.index_parser(j) elif r.status_code == 429: # pragma: no cover raise EngineCooldownException()
[docs] async def search_tag(self, tag): raise NotAvailableSearchException("This engine cannot search tags.")
[docs] async def index_parser(self, json): """Parse the output from a succesful saucenao search to retrieve data from specific indexes. :param json: JSON output from the API. :type json: dict :return: Dictionary containing data that matches the output for :meth:`SauceNao.search_image_source` :rtype: ImageResult """ base_similarity = json["header"]["minimum_similarity"] # Grab the minimum similarity saucenao advises, going lower is generally gonna give false positives. # Below we cast the _entry_ similarity to a float since somehow it's stored as an str. # Damn API inaccuracy valid_results = [entry for entry in json["results"] if float(entry["header"]["similarity"]) > base_similarity] # Test mode similarity override if self.test_mode: valid_results = json["results"] # Kinda looks stupid, but whatever. loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() source = set() tags = set() for entry in valid_results: if "ext_urls" in entry["data"]: # Some of these responses dont have ext_url... for url in entry["data"]["ext_urls"]: source.add(url) handler = self.handlers.get(entry["header"]["index_id"], None) if handler: if handler.tag_capable: tags.update(await handler.get_tag_data(entry["data"])) if handler.source_capable: source.update(await handler.get_source_data(entry["data"])) return ImageResult(tags, source, None)